I found this other other day when I was cleaning out a gift bag of stuff I got around Christmas time:
Chocolate should still be good seven months later, right? I went ahead and took off the snowman's head and pulled out a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. After removing the wrapper and checking out the enclosed candy, I decided it looked edible. I popped it into my mouth.
Unfortunately, the person who gave this to me included mint-flavored Hershey's Kisses in the mix. I am not a big fan of mint-flavored anything and the mint Kisses had infected all of the surrounding chocolates. Something about the combination of chocolate + peanut butter + mint that didn't quite seem right to me.
It is hard to admit my level of disappointment.
I tossed the candy but kept the snowman... It is something else that Dave and I can eventually put into our storage unit.