I am also a book collector. I prefer to buy my books than go to the library to borrow them. I like having my bookshelves crammed full of Stephen King and Wally Lamb, J. D. Salenger and Madeleine L'Engle. Plus, going to the library often costs me more than just buying the book in the first place; I've actually been known to have library fines totally over $83 - no joke!
Enter BookMooch.com. Brought to my attention by fellow blogger Caroline Bender, I am totally hooked. This site allows me to post books that I am willing to give away to fellow bibliophiles, while "mooching" books that I am interested in reading from them. For each book that I post in my inventory and each book that somebody mooches from me, I am awarded points. I, in turn, use these points to get the books that I want to read.
The only cost is postage. The person who is giving away the book pays for postage, but I figure the couple of bucks spent there is recouped by the money that I don't have to spend on shipping and handling from buying the book off eBay or buying the book new at the store. Plus, if it is a book I love, I can add it to my collection instead of having to return it at the end of two weeks.
I've already sent off five of my own books and am awaiting the first two that I've requested. I'm excited to have some new summer reading... Anyone have any recommendations of great books that I should mooch??
Maybe I should start a website called pornmooch.com. I know a couple of friends who would benefit from it.
This sounds just like Frugalreader.com, which I love.
I probably have enough books to join BookMooch.com too!
Bookmooch sounds like an interesting site. I'll have to check it out sometime.
I haven't had much time to read lately except for when we were in Chicago and I've got quite a few books waiting to be read. So....I am excited about reading one on the beach next week. :o)
I know what you mean! I love reading books too... and I prefer to buy them. There's something about the smell of new books and the first time you crack the spine :) Aaaah, heaven!
Wow, I need to join up .. I LOVE to read!
I am just like you...but...I hate to let go of my books. They are like my friends...I'll check out the site and maybe....I worked at and I am an official Library Trustee and I still prefer to buy my books.
You will go to my head! I knew we were sympatica on so many levels. Places to trade books has been a running theme of mine. You have inspired me to create a new label for it.
For summer reads, I recommend "What is the What." Stunning. I read one small piece of it and sent it to everyone I know.
Nice to have you back online!
I'm the same way with books. I'm running out of room for mine. But I also don't want to give mine up. I have a lot of mine signed by the author and I wouldn't want to part with them.
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