
Photo Friday***

***AKA - Violet doesn't have anything to say, so here are some pictures that she had on her PDA and thought she would use for a cheap blog entry...

What is wrong with this picture?

Well, in addition to just being a little bit scary in general, the octopus has (count 'em) NINE TENTACLES...

Why exactly is this a chair in a Mexican restaurant? Looks like it should be in some sort of seafood restaurant where you aren't quite sure if the "fresh catch of the day" hasn't been sitting there for a week...


Regis going "Bye-Bye"

He was just as excited about the trip to Warsaw, Missouri as anyone!


Future Plumber of America

Give that boy a broom, rake, or plunger and he will be happy for hours!


Baby Ella and Dave...

Captions anyone?


Hope everyone has an awesome weekend! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!


Anonymous said...

That ninth tentacle means it's an octopenis, not an octopus.

Nichole said...

She looks skeered! LoL

LBseahag said...

that's nuts that you moticed the extra tenticle...i've seen those chairs in a mexican restaurant out here...weird..they must be cheap...
is that your baby and hubby? and little apprentice?

Fantastagirl said...

Cute baby - although he looks a little scared or something.

Violet said...

LBSeahag - Ella belongs to friends Paula and Mike.

The little plumber belongs to Scuba Steve and Jenny.

I'll claim Dave, however, he is thoroughly opposed to the institution of marriage, having already been through it once or twice...

Jen said...

I think Ella is thinking that Dave is scary and she wants to go see her AUNT JEN NOW!!!

fin said...

The octopus is more highly evolved...

Anonymous said...

The Octopus was hit with a leathal dose of gamma radiation. Now everytime he becomes angry or simply has bad gas from the mexican food, he becomes the incredible octopus.


Dave Morris said...

Screw all of you guys - Ella DOESN'T think Dave is scary!!!

Whew, glad I got that out of my system.

Maven said...

Please tell me that is a new plunger your kid is handling!!