As was exhibited by our thrilling Saturday night, a la Groundhog Day Style.
I actually felt up to cooking, since I hadn't done much of anything all day long. Mike, Paula, and Ella came over to join us for some Mexican Lasagna.
It was pretty good. Won't be a staple in our diets, but for a change, it was nice. It is basically lasagna with chicken, but you use tortillas instead of lasagna noodles and chili powder and cumin instead of the traditional Italian seasonings in lasagna.
Then, we had a bit of "Independent Study Time," as Paula put it.
Dr. Mike worked on creating his apparel for the Super Bowl Hot Wing contest. Gotta love a guy who isn't afraid to wear a puffy painted sweatshirt, right? Especially one featuring a chicken with his wings on fire.
Dave finally set up the Wii that "Santa" brought him for Christmas. You know, for someone who bitched and moaned about not being "allowed" to get a Wii, it sure did take a long time to get the game system set up.
And Paula and I ate ice cream. (Hey, we're pregnant. Otherwise, we'd have been doing tequila shots.)
Once everyone reconvened, we messed around with the Wii a little bit. I think Kramer got more enjoyment out of the whole experience than everyone else. I don't think I've ever seen him so excited.
And everyone was home and in bed well before midnight, because, as everyone knows, if you aren't, the Groundhog Fairy will turn you into a pumpkin.
Or something like that.
Let's not forget - you actually talked me OUT of getting one. "We need to spend the money on Sparky." Or, "video games take the social aspect out of gatherings." Or, "you won't get your work done around here during the day if we have a Wii." (These may or may not be partially embellished for effect. But you get the idea)
So since you talked me out of having one, I simply hadn't felt the need to set it up. If you want someone to blame, look in the BIG FAT MIRROR!!!!!! ;)
I love you.
We're having a mexican lasagna sort of meal later this month. Let's compare notes after I make it. :)
You can't do tequila shots when you're pregnant?
The video was very funny! Crazy cat
Hook Kramer onto Guitar Hero. He might go mental.
I'm going to try your mexican lasagna. Sounds tasty!
Mexican lasagna sounds like heaven.
How does BDD like the Wii? We've got one, too. Great game.
The lasagna sounds good....too bad I don't cook.
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